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27 October 2024
Praha (Prague)
(Czech Republic)

PFO in the Congress Center Prague
Prague Film Orchestra conducted by Jiří Korynta - Kongresové Centrum Praha, Velký sál KCP

Program Info:
Dear viewers, in the upcoming 21st season we will return to Prague again with spectacular programs. One of the concerts that we are really looking forward to is the one that falls on the last Saturday in October and will take place in the Prague Convention Center.

In our performance, you will be able to enjoy the real pearls that the world of film music hides, among which songs from the Harry Potter saga or Star Wars, Jurassic Park, the serial phenomenon Game of Thrones and many others must not be missing.

The program will be, as is our custom, really elaborate.
We look forward to you!

External links:
Details & tickets
Additional Link

Last edited: 24 July 2024 - 08:52 hours