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10 Years of Movies in Concert
In February 2020 Movies in Concert celebrates its 10th anniversary

It all started with the knowledge that so many people miss film music concerts, because they don't know or find out about it too late. When Flip Jansen started searching the world wide web, he quite quickly found lots of film music concerts. Making a list of it he sent this to the film music magazine Film Score Monthly and their reply was to make a website of it. And that's what he did and started Movies in Concert on 2 February 2010. A website with a simple list of concerts was born.

At the end of the year Ingmar Kohl found out too late about the London Symphony Orchestra concert in Cologne celebrating the music collaboration of John Williams & Steven Spielberg and started his own website. Not much later he found out about Movies in Concert and got the idea of combining forces. After getting in touch with Flip they discussed the idea to expand Movies in Concert and making it a more professional website by changing it into a database of film music concerts.

Over the years contacts were made with lots of people in the film music business who either provided the website with info, contributed to it or simply supported it by getting the word around of the website. Today Movies in Concerts attracts over 2000 unique visitors a day and that number is still growing.

For their support, their contributions, or providing concert info Ingmar Kohl and Flip Jansen like to thank the following people (in alphabetical order):

Tim Aspelling (Music Hall)
David Barsotti (Orchestra Italiana del Cinema)
Paul Bateman (Conductor)
Baudime (Prima Vista Quartet)
Ricard L. Befan (JW-fan website)
Jacqueline Blok-Wouters (Concert Hall de Doelen)
Basil Böhni (21st. Century Symphony Orchestra)
Nikola Bojcev (Film Music Prague)
Laura Bowyer (Royal Albert Hall)
Dirk Brossé (Conductor)
Tim Burden (Film Score Monthly)
Brendan G. Carroll (Biographer Erich Wolfgang Korngold)
Christopher Cheong (Orchestra of the Music Makers)
Tim Curran (Film Score Monthly)
Dennis Eichler (Baytown Symphony Orchestra)
Juliette van Eijk (Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra)
Fokkelien Feenstra (Noord Nederlands Orkest)
The team from Film Fest Ghent
Jim Follett (Philharmonia Orchestra)
Ron Fortuin (Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkest)
Steven Fox (Golden State Pops Orchestra)
Ignacio Granda (Score de Cine)
Ruth Green (City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra)
Christopher Gunning (Composer)
Dorothee Haddenbruch (M-Cine) Pim Halkes (Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest)
Peter Hall (Music Hall)
Jonathan Heeley (Disney Concert Library)
Stefan Hermes (Composer)
Joris Hermy (Composer / musician)
Evan Horan (British Film Institute)
Jo Johnson (London Symphony Orchestra)
Yasuyuki Kamio (JWFC Filmharmonic Orchestra)
Jon Kaplan (Film Score Monthly)
Richard Kaufman (Conductor)
Guenther Koegebehn (Bernard Herrmann Society)
Monique Kokkeler (Orchestra Twente)
Kathryn Korngold-Hubbard
Christina Landa (Filarmoniá Orquesta Y Coro)
Jim Lochner (Film Score Monthly)
Yoskha Malais (Festival Classiuqe)
John Mauceri (Conductor)
Laura Nakhla (Air-Edel) Ad de Nijs (Streaming Soundtracks)
Nicole van Overvest (Festival Classique)
Simone Pedroni (Piano player / Conductor)
Robert Piaskowski (Krakow Film Music Festival) Alex Rabens (Cami Music)
Maggie Rodford (Air-Edel)
Angela Rohan (RTÉ Concert Orchestra)
Patrick Russ (Orchestrator)
Mary Schalhorn (Sheboygan Symphony Orchestra)
A. Schnake (Charleston Symphony Orchestra)
Warren Sherk (Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)
Sarah Spiteri (Malta Orchestra)
Katharina Stashik (M-Cine)
Paul Stevelmans (film music magazine Score)
Frank Strobel (Conductor / European FilmPhilharmonic Institute)
Philip Stuart (Discographer London Symphony Orchestra)
Kevin Toma (Composer)
Tobi Tumarkin (CAMI Music) Henk Verrijt (The Miklós Rózsa Society)
Melisa Vizor (Royal Albert Hall)
Beate Warkentien (European FilmPhilharmonic Institute)
John Waxman (Themes and Variations)
Alice Walton (Philharmonia Orchestra)
Tom White (City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra)
Ludwig Wicki (Conductor / 21st. Century Symphony Orchestra)
Michelle Wong (Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra)
Ulrich Wünschel (European FilmPhilharmonic Institute)

And not to forget the editors of Movies in Concert:
Stefan Bosman, Joseph Dise, Nicolas Grandemange, Keld Jörgensen, Arek Kryska, Chris Szuberla, Raphael Tchelebi, Elise Vanroose and Elena Xalira

Finally a big thank you to those we might have forgotten to mention above and last but certainly not least to all our visitors over the years!

With a special mentioning of:
Ahmad Adkillidar, Christophe Blondel, Stan Bradac, Jo Brodie, Hazel Cameron, Jane Chee, Cristian Cîrciu, Gilles Capdet, Ciprian Constantin Costin, Y. Croonen, Deirdre Eeson, Barbara Elbert, Rafael Elvira, Jerome Flick, J.R.C. Frank, Fenny Gill, Jose Antonio Gómez, Ellie Grimwood, Emily Hawgood, Martin Jansen, Jan Jozwik, Mathias Myrthue Justesen, Sandra Koenig, Michele Kettmaier, Yasu Kamio, Karlijn, Bregt de Lange, Liu Yan, Dennis Lodewijks, David García de Lucas, Todd Maki, Manu Martin, Minh T. Nguyen, Stephen Parker, Patrick Peeters, Johnny Remans, Angel Saquero, Peter Sachon, Clint Schokele, Stefan Schuler, Max Senft, Michael Shasberger, Chris Siddall, Anton Smit, Mary Steen, Marco Ubaldi, Spencer V, Peter van der Velde, Vanessa (Violet Blossom), Chris A. Walker, Anna Walton, Terry Wang, Jane Whittle, Marianne Wiercks, Angela Wilson, John Wirtz.

Maintained and produced by Flip Jansen & Ingmar Kohl. Copyright 2010-2025.
Editors: Anton Smit, Keld Jörgensen, Stefan Bosman

Kindly supported by the European FilmPhilharmonic Institute

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