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02 March 2025

Music from the Harry Potter universe
Antonio Orchestra conducted by Anton Paisov - Moscow International Performing Arts Center, Chamber hall

Program Info:
Colorful soundtracks from the cult film series about Harry Potter will form the basis of the Antonio Orchestra program . The vibrant music of John Williams, Patrick Doyle and Nicholas Hooper will be complemented by the rich imaginative world of sand animation by Anna Ivanova. Magical images and scenes from Potter will come to life on the screen and in the imagination of the audience thanks to the art of one of the best masters in Moscow.

The name of the group - Antonio Orchestra - is a tribute to the famous Italian violinist and composer Antonio Vivaldi. Over the 8 years of its existence, the orchestra’s repertoire has included more than 50 different programs - from baroque and classical to film music and rock hits. The team collaborated with such famous Russian conductors as Gennady Dmitryak, Stanislav Maisky, Dmitry Yurovsky, Fabio Mastrangelo, Andrey Anikhanov, Sergei Mikheev; and such virtuoso soloists as Count Murzha, Philippe Nodel, Maxim Rubtsov, Leonid Guryev, Kirill Soldatov, Alexander Maslov, Leonid Drutin, Sergei Kolesov, Victor Khotulev. includes The Antonio Orchestra a whole galaxy of talented musicians: Hiroko Ninagawa, Leonid Zhelezny, Roman Mormyga, Dennis Gasanov, Nikita Budnetsky, Pavel Chekmarev, Vladislav Mineev.

The program is subject to change

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Last edited: 16 February 2025 - 13:41 hours