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29 March 2026 Southampton (United Kingdom)
John Williams Blockbusters: The greatest film music of all time
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra conducted by Pete Harrison - Mayflower Theatre
Program Info: A spectacular concert celebrating the music of the most prolific and successful film-score composer ever. John Williams has been at the forefront of film music from the 1960s and since then has been awarded 5 Oscars, 25 Grammys, 4 Golden Globes, 3 Emmys and 7 BAFTAs. Many of the most popular films of recent times owe much of their success to his amazing music. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to hear a live performance of many of his most memorable themes.
John Williams - Harry Potter John Williams - Saving Private Ryan John Williams - Jaws John Williams - Memoirs of a Geisha John Williams - Raiders of the Lost Ark John Williams - ET: Flying Theme John Williams - JFK John Williams - Jurassic Park John Williams - Star Wars