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12 December 2025 Düsseldorf (Germany)
Film Music Live
Philharmonie Leipzig conducted by Michael Koehler - Tonhalle Düsseldorf
Program Info: The Leipzig Philharmonic presents great cinematic classics and brilliant film music – from movies to current blockbusters – in a beautiful film music concert. With a big light show on the stage and great sound, image and sound merge into an audiovisual work of art. Film and music combined, played live by the large symphony orchestra, provide a real goosebumps experience. Evergreens and favourite melodies from the most famous film scores will be heard! The games played include Ennio Morricone- The Mission Klaus Badelt / Hans Zimmer - Pirates of the Caribbean John Barry / Monty Norman / Various - James Bond Hans Zimmer - Inception Various - Star Trek Howard Shore - Lord of the Rings Hans Zimmer - Da Vinci Code John Williams - Star Wars and many more!