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30 November 2024

Film in Concert
Staatsorchester Kassel conducted by Kiril Stankow - Opernhaus

Program Info:
Film music makes you feel excited and empathetic, creates goosebumps and moist eyes. Some soundtracks are more famous than the actual film and ring in your ears long after you've gone to the cinema.

In this film concert, the Kassel State Orchestra brings classics, current hits from series and blockbusters to the large stage of the opera house. We tell stories about love, friendship and magic - but don't worry, it won't be cheesy! (Or at least just a little.)

Music from
Klaus Badelt / Hans Zimmer - Pirates of the Caribbean
Alan Menken - Beauty and the Beast
James Horner - Braveheart
Howard Shore - The Lord of the Rings,
and more

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 27 July 2024 - 10:28 hours