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28 June 2025
(United Kingdom)

Noisy Kids: Do you believe in magic?
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Patrick Bailey - The Hexagon

Program Info:
Hop on your broomsticks and head down to The Hexagon where the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra needs your help to cast some musical spells. With a lot of hocus pocus and mysterious goings on, you’ll be sure to discover all about the orchestra on an enchanting journey filled with witches, wizards, fairies and magical creatures.

With a programme packed full of well-known music, this fun and interactive concert is the perfect way for all the family to discover great music and experience the exciting sounds of a live symphony orchestra.

Featuring music from well-known composers such as Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Wynton Marsalis, excerpts from iconic pieces such as Pictures at an Exhibition, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and a little nod to the Wizarding World with music from Harry Potter.

External links:
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Last edited: 11 August 2024 - 10:15 hours