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22 December 2024

The LPO Christmas Family Concert
Landespolizeiorchester Brandenburg conducted by Christian Köhler - Nikolaisaal

Program Info:
An enchanted winter landscape, a crackling fireplace and Christmas with the family - who doesn't dream of that? On the 4th of Advent, the circle of friends will serve you a pre-Christmas musical treat. The Brandenburg State Police Orchestra, under the direction of Christian Köhler, will play German and international Christmas songs for you, as befits a festive Christmas. And everything you need for a successful Christmas concert is there again. With “Hansel and Gretel” there is great fairytale music, with “How to Train Your Dragon” and “Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella” there is a bit of film music and of course the audience singing part at the end of the concert should not be missed.

Karl Svoboda: “Three hazelnuts for Cinderella”
John Powell: “How to Train Your Dragon”
Nigel Hess: »A Christmas Celebration«

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 27 July 2024 - 09:25 hours