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04 August 2024

Elbenwald in Concert: The live orchestra
Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Chuhei Iwasaki - Elbenwald Festival

Program Info:
When a concert ends, you look towards the audience and see lots of tears rolling down - then it was either really shit or really awesome. However, in the case of Elbenwald in Concert, we're pretty sure people loved it! At least that would correspond to the behaviour of the security below the stage. They temporarily stopped their work to pay respect to the Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra with a standing ovation.

So we can't help but bring back the big film orchestra to bring the biggest and most popular film worlds to life!

The program is still being developed, but we're sticking with the mix of classics and pieces that you don't hear every day. And it will be varied! Sometimes emotional like in ET . Sometimes full of ambition like Jurassic Park . Adventurous like Indiana Jones . Magical like Harry Potter . Epic like Star Wars . Or constantly changing between hopeful, dark and dangerous like in The Lord of the Rings .

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 25 July 2024 - 07:32 hours