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12 August 2024

Kilkenny Arts Festival: Philip Glass
Lavinia Meijer, harp - St John’s Priory

Program Info:
Harpist Lavinia Meijer is a groundbreaking artist. Constantly looking to expand the possibilities of her instrument, she has performed a dizzying array of musical genres from classical to rock and jazz at concert halls all over the world.

Her pioneering interpretations of Philip Glass’s music have earned her universal acclaim and a platinum-selling CD, and for this concert – the first in a series celebrating the music of the modern American master – Meijer performs her own beautiful arrangements, lending Glass’s work new expressiveness and depth.

Philip Glass - Opening
Philip Glass - Étude No. 16
Philip Glass - Étude No. 17
Philip Glass - The Hours
Philip Glass - Metamorphosis
Lavinia Meijer - Atmospheric Rivers
Lavinia Meijer - Tomorrowday

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 24 July 2024 - 14:07 hours