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28 September 2024
(United Kingdom)

Northern Silents: Battleship Potemkin
Jonny Best, piano - Morecambe Winter Gardens

Program Info:
A classic of Soviet silent film on the big screen, with live music.

The Film
Sergei Eisenstein’s depiction of the 1905 mutiny aboard the Russian battleship Potemkin frequently features in lists of the best films ever made. Remarkable in its use of editing and its persuasive power as propaganda, Battleship Potemkin is a cinematic landmark.

The famous Odessa Steps sequence is gripping and it has been much imitated - perhaps most notably by Brian da Palma in The Untouchables.

‘If you only ever see one silent, this is the one it should be. A masterpiece.’ (Empire)

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 24 July 2024 - 09:43 hours