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20 March 2025
(United Kingdom)

Cinematic Quartets
Piatti Quartet - Kings Place

Program Info:
Piatti Quartet
Michael Trainor, violin
Emily Holland, violin
Miguel Sobrinho, viola
Jessie Ann Richardson, cello

Music from films ‘Mishima’, ‘The Truman Show’, ‘There will be Blood’, ‘Platoon’ and ‘The Lobster’ take us on a cinematic retreat via the sound world of the string quartet in this cinematic performance from Resident String Quartet, Piatti. This dramatic and powerful programme will feature the music of Johnny Greenwood, Barber’s infamous Adagio for Strings as well as Shostakovich’s haunting String Quartet No.8.

Phillip Glass - Quartet No. 3 Mishima
Johnny Greenwood - Prospectors Quartet from ‘There Will Be Blood’
Samuel Barber - Adagio for Strings from Platoon
Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 8 from Dresden

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 22 July 2024 - 09:03 hours