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18 June 2025

Philharmonic Concert
Philharmonisches Orchester Vorpommern conducted by Florian Csizmadia - Theater Stralsund Großes Haus

Program Info:
Philharmonisches Orchester Vorpommern
Florian Csizmadia , conductor
Kathryn Rudge, mezzo-soprano

As much as the sea served as a source of inspiration for the evening's compositions, the composers go beyond mere description in their works. After the stormy beginning of his overture to The Flying Dutchman, Richard Wagner soon turns his attention to the fate of the protagonists of his opera - and the turmoil of the sea becomes a battle against his own fate. Edward Elgar's song cycle "Sea Pictures" was published in 1899 - the same year as Sigmund Freud's century work on "Dream Interpretation". It may be a coincidence, and yet the metaphorical depth of “Sea Pictures” comes from the same zeitgeist as Freud's reflections. The four interludes that Benjamin Britten took from his opera “Peter Grimes”, rearranged and published in 1945 as “Four Sea Interludes” for the concert hall, are soul and sea images between day and night, calm and storm. Erich Korngold wrote his music for “The Lord of the Seven Seas” in American exile in 1940, close in time and geographical proximity to Britten. If you give this film score the freedom to unfold in the concert hall without a pirate ship and Errol Flynn on the screen, the most exciting orchestral facets in Korngold's composition become audible.

Richard Wagner: Overture to “The Flying Dutchman”
Edward Elgar: „Sea Pictures“ op. 37
Benjamin Britten: “Four Sea Interludes” by “Peter Grimes”
Erich Wolfgang Korngold: Suite from the film music for “The Sea Hawk” (“The Lord of the Seven Seas”)

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Last edited: 19 July 2024 - 08:47 hours