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18 August 2024

Internationale Stummfilmtage: Der Seeräuber (The Black Pirate)
Filmsirup - Arkadenhof der Universität Bonn

Program Info:
THE SEERRAUBER was one of the first full-length feature films to be shot entirely in the then new two-color Technicolor process. The story about a motley band of pirates gives star Douglas Fairbanks a perfect opportunity to shine with his heroic deeds and feats. It was only with the new digital restoration at the New York Museum of Modern Art that the film, which was very expensively produced for the time, regained its original warm colors. A - in the truest sense of the word - colorful conclusion to this year's anniversary edition of the Bonn Summer Cinema!

THE BLACK PIRATE was one of the first feature-length films to be shot entirely in the all-new two-colour Technicolor process. The story about a motley and of pirates provides the star Douglas Fairbanks an idealportunity to shine with his heroic deeds and feats. It wasn't untilthe New York Museum of Modern Art's new digital restoration that the film,which was extremely expensive to produce, regained its original warm colour tones. A colourful –in the truest sense of the word –conclusion to this year's anniversary edition of the BonnSummer Cinema !

Metropolitan Theater . Douglas Fairbanks once again proved his great appeal yesterday. He had come as a pirate; The romance of a pirate's life finds its admirers to a very special extent and Fairbanks as a pirate is in a class of his own. The plot of the film is, by the way, very exciting despite its strong novelistic nature. Added to this is the magic of the costumes, the wildly daring and picturesque bandit costume, the environment of a time long gone, old sailing ships of great beauty. But above all Douglas Fairbanks, the “black pirate”, who is actually a duke, saves a princess and renders an entire band of pirates harmless. Seeing the performer's athletic suppleness and agility is an aesthetic pleasure in itself. How he swings himself up from the sea over the rudder, floor by floor of the ship and finally into the rigging, how he comes down through the big sails hanging on his knife: all of this is of completely indescribable elegance.

The film is made entirely in color using the Technicolor process and with artistically perfect taste. The colors are chosen so carefully that everything that previously appeared kitschy and bright in color films is avoided and images of harmonious beauty are achieved. The film is worth watching for her sake alone.

General-Anzeiger for Bonn and the surrounding area, February 5, 1927

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Last edited: 18 July 2024 - 09:38 hours