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16 August 2024

Internationale Stummfilmtage: Sternschnuppen Shooting Stars
Meg Morley (piano) & Frank Bockius (drums, percussion) - Arkadenhof der Universität Bonn

Program Info:
Actress Mae Feather is on her way to becoming a big movie star. Bored in her marriage to fellow actor Joe Gordon, Mae begins an affair with comedian Andy Wilks. When Joe discovers the affair, Mae fears a scandal that would destroy her career - and her dream of Hollywood. To prevent this, Mae takes drastic measures - with devastating consequences. The cleverly staged melodrama, peppered with a lot of insider humor, was the directorial debut of Anthony Asquith, who, alongside Alfred Hitchcock, is considered the most important British silent film director.

Available to stream from August 18th to 20th, 2024 on https://stummfilmtage.culturebase.org (For legal reasons, this film is only available in Germany.)

Actress Mae Feather is on her way to becoming a big film star. Bored in her marriage to fellow actor Joe Gordon, Mae begins an affair with comedian Andy Wilks. When Joe discovers the affair, Mae fears that the ensuing scandal would destroy her career - and her dream of Hollywood. To prevent this, Mae resorts to drastic measures - with disastrous consequences. This cleverly directed melodrama, peppered with plenty of insider humour, was the directorial debut of Anthony Asquith, who, alongside Alfred Hitchcock, is considered to be the most important British film director of the silent era.

Historian Luke McKernan put it elegantly: “Until PEEPING TOM (1960), over thirty years later, no British film turned its own camera against itself so consciously and so effectively. It is a young man's film, the first An attempt by someone who represents the new creative spirit of British film.” Anthony Asquith was that young man who was determined to reach the top. His original love triangle story, set in a British film studio, is an ironic commentary on the superficiality of fame and a love letter to filmmaking. The film shows every aspect of the film business, from the recording studio to the media machinery, and is dovetailed with two great cinematic “tricks” for the opening and closing scenes.

As a precaution, British Instructional commissioned AV Bramble, a “proven force,” to direct their first feature film, but it was still clearly Asquith's project. He had learned from the best during his visit to Hollywood and watched Chaplin, Lubitsch and Clarence Brown at work. He had studied the latest developments in studio lighting and set design and his script was watertight. The risk was rewarded, the film was a huge success and Asquith's career was launched.

Bryony Dixon, in: Catalog „Cinema rediscovered“. Bologna 2016

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 18 July 2024 - 09:33 hours