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15 August 2024

Internationale Stummfilmtage: Der treulose Berg
Stephen Horne (piano, flute, accordion) - Arkadenhof der Universität Bonn

Program Info:
The film director and theorist Jean Epstein is known for his poetic feature films such as CŒUR FIDÈLE (1923) and THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER (1928). But he also made a number of no less impressive documentaries. His film report on the 1923 eruption of the Sicilian volcano Etna was thought to be lost until a copy in a rare 28mm home cinema format was discovered in Spain. The typically Epstein-esque atmospheric images are further enhanced by the magnificent colors of the restored version from the Filmoteca de Catalunya.

The film director and theorist Jean Epstein is known for his poetic feature films such as CŒUR FIDÈLE(1923) and THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER (1928). But he also shot a series o fno less impressive documentary films. His documentary on the eruption of the Etna volcano in Sicily in 1923 was considered lost until a copy in the rare 28mm home cinema format was discovered in Spain. Epstein’s characteristic atmospheric images are enhanced by the splendid colours of the Filmoteca de Catalunya’s restored version.

Sicily! The night presented the eye with a wealth of views. […] In front of us: Mount Etna. The great actor who sets off his performance two or three times a century, to whom I had come to film his new, tragic play. An entire mountainside had already been transformed into a massive gala of fire. The fire announced itself over a corner of the red sky. Twenty kilometers away, the noise reached us in waves like the echo of a distant triumph, a cheer of thousands, a stormy ovation. Which tragedy in which theater has ever experienced such a storm of success; the earth suffering, subjugated, but always rebelling, tearing itself apart in different places. A dry tremor suddenly ran through the ground on which we had placed our feet. Etna telegraphed the violence of its eruption into the distance.

Beautiful volcano! He is the first among his peers. What expressiveness!

Jean Epstein: Etna, viewed from the cinematograph (1926). Translated from French by Ralph Eue, Vienna 2008

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Last edited: 18 July 2024 - 09:26 hours