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14 August 2024

Internationale Stummfilmtage: Maria vom Meer
Stephen Horne (piano, flute, accordion) & Elizabeth Jane Baldry (Harp) - Arkadenhof der Universität Bonn

Program Info:
Using documentary footage and avant-garde stylistic devices, the film impressively tells the fictional drama of the residents of a Portuguese fishing village (most of whom are played by local amateur actors). It is not without reason that MARIA DO MAR is considered one of the best Portuguese silent films, which seems to anticipate later movements such as Italian neorealism. The digitally remastered restoration of the Cinemateca Portuguesa took place in 2021 as part of an EEA-funded project to digitize marine-related films.

Available to stream from August 16th to 18th, 2024 on https://stummfilmtage.culturebase.org

Documentary-like footage and avant-garde techniques are combined here in a striking manner, to tell the fictional tale of the inhabitants of a Portuguese fishing village (the majority of whom are played by local amateur actors). For good reason, MARIA DO MAR is considered one ofthe best Portuguese silent films and, seems to anticipate later trends such as Italian neorealism. In 2021, the Cinemateca Portuguesa digitally restored the film as part of the EEA-funded project FILMar to digitise films about the sea.

MARIA DO MAR combines various elements into one great work in an astonishing way: the description of the characters, the design of the shots and the perfect dramaturgical rhythm of the film montage contribute to the unusual unity of the work. The use of professional actors does not affect the authenticity of the other characters, who are portrayed by amateurs from Nazaré: memorable characters who are skillfully directed by the director. Undoubtedly, it is the universality of the neo-realist style that makes this cinematographic experiment so timeless.

Even more remarkable is the fact that Leitão de Barros does not neglect the landscape as a dramatic agent in his film. It has a special meaning, for example in the scene of the shipwreck, when the earth and the rocks rise above the beach like an impending threat and stand out against the leaden sky. On the other hand, the poetry of nature and the sea is emphasized, as in the adorable shot of the naked children playing on the beach.

Eurico da Costa, in: Diário de Lisboa, 12.7.1966

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Last edited: 18 July 2024 - 09:24 hours