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10 August 2024

Internationale Stummfilmtage: Sherlock Holmes jr.
Daan van den Hurk (Piano) - Arkadenhof der Universität Bonn

Program Info:
Buster Keaton works as a projectionist in a small town cinema but dreams of becoming a detective. He competes against a villainous rival for the love of a girl from the neighborhood. During a screening, Buster dreams himself into the projected film and transforms himself into the master detective “Sherlock Holmes Junior”. In this role, he fights a gang of criminals whose leader looks similar to Buster's rival in the real world... One of the most original and technically sophisticated silent film comedies and a self-reflexive homage to the film medium.

Buster Keaton in SHERLOCK HOLMES JUNIOR gives film impressions of all the most charming kinds. The American comic genre deserves to be held in special honor above the others. They are works that one is happy to see, whose inventions, surprises, and gadgets one enjoys following. All of this is not a small thing, and there is actually no reason to diminish the pleasure with all sorts of reflections. All the less since this is in part due to the absence of reflection and the impulsive activity of the imagination.

Reality, dreams and cinema are portrayed in the film with a lot of tenderness and grace. The dream of a funny person gives all possibilities for the farcical, but the whole thing takes on a melancholic subduedness and a subtle and penetrating irony. What is astonishing here again is the wonderful instinctive confidence of the Americans to find the perfect expression for what suits them. How little Buster Keaton finds his way from showing a film into it and from there rises to become the hero of a dream farce is a miraculous descent. And how the sad prose is slowly overtaken by the most insane poetry, but this time reality gives the poet what the dream promised, that is itself a piece of real poetry.

Ernst Blass, in: Berliner Tageblatt, May 24, 1925

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Last edited: 18 July 2024 - 09:07 hours