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13 September 2024
(Czech Republic)

The music of Ludovico Einaudi
String Quintet - Theatre Hall

Program Info:
Discover the magic of Ludovico Einaudi's melodies in a captivating combination of piano recital and string quintet. At special concerts with the subtext of Magical Night, you can expect a musical experience that touches the soul of every listener - from intense solo passages to the harmonious cooperation of strings, to the development of Einaudi's classics, which sounds in films such as Untouchables, Mami!, or in the Oscar-winning film Land of Nomads .

Ivan Vokáč, one of the most talented Czech cellists and pianists, will play the role of piano soloist. During the concert, he will present his top-notch playing on both instruments and demonstrate his mastery spanning between classical interpretation and a modern conception of music. He is the laureate of a number of international interpretation competitions - a few examples for all of them: Absolute victory with violinist Jakub Junek at the radio competition Concertino Prague 2006. In 2010 he won a scholarship competition organised by the Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe, and in 2012 he became a semi-finalist the most successful Czech participant in the Prague Spring international competition. He is also a proud member of the group Cello republic, which was formed from the original members of the well-known group Prague Cello Quartet and has already performed dozens of concerts not only on European soil. The string quintet will add a richness of tones and harmonies perfectly complementing the piano lines for which Ludovico Einaudi's music is known worldwide.

Come and be immersed in a symphony of sounds as dynamic and fluid as the films for which this music was written. Join in and experience an evening where every note becomes part of a story you take home in your heart.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 17 July 2024 - 12:24 hours