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20 October 2024
(United Kingdom)

Musical Spectacular
National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia & Klingen Choir conducted by Sipan Olah - St John's Smith Square Hall

Program Info:
National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia & Klingen Choir
Hayarpi Yeghikyan & Narine Malkhasyan, Soprano
Hagop Mouradian, Oboe
Sona Barseghyan, Piano

Orchestral arrangements of masterpieces by Komitas including Vagharshapat Dance, medley of famous film soundtracks by Tigran Mansurian, popular film soundtracks and songs by Robert Amirkhanyan, special arrangements of Charles Aznavour songs for the chamber orchestra performed by NCOA and KCCA as well as well-known soloists with conductor Sipan Olah.

Full programme
Komitas - Orchestral Arrangements
Tigran Mansurian - Film Soundtracks
Robert Amirkhanyan - Film Soundtracks
Charles Aznavour - Songs and Orchestral Pieces

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 16 July 2024 - 10:21 hours