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08 March 2025
(Indiana, USA)

Charlie Chaplin's The Gold Rush
Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra conducted by Matthew Kraemer - Schrott Center for the Arts, Butler University

Program Info:
Charles Chaplin - The Gold Rush

For the 100th Anniversary of Charlie Chaplin’s The Gold Rush, ICO will present this ground-breaking silent film. In 1942, Charles Chaplin composed this score when he slightly edited the film, taking out the title cards and adding sound. This classic comedy demonstrates the great human hardships found in the pursuit of riches during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush.

The film score was restored and adapted for live performance to fit the original silent 1925 version (with reinserted title cards) by Timothy Brock.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 16 July 2024 - 09:07 hours