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10 August 2024

Sonafilm: Festival de Música de Cine Marina Alta: Nosferatu
Orchestra - Ayuntamiento De Beniarbeig

Program Info:
The town of Beniarbeig debuts at SONAFILM with a new project that celebrates silent cinema, accompanied by a soundtrack performed live, just as it was done in the past. The first film to be screened will be “Nosferatu” from 1922, with the live soundtrack by the pianist and specialist in this genre, Jorge Gil Zulueta .

"Nosferatu", directed by FW Murnau and released in 1922, is one of the masterpieces of silent cinema and a milestone in the history of horror cinema. Loosely based on the novel "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, this film is renowned for its somber atmosphere, innovative filmmaking techniques, and Max Schreck's iconic performance as the vampire Count Orlok. Despite legal problems that almost led to the destruction of all its copies, "Nosferatu" has endured as a fundamental reference of German Expressionism and a source of inspiration for generations of filmmakers. His influence extends beyond the horror genre, leaving an indelible mark on popular culture and cinematic art in general.

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Last edited: 10 July 2024 - 15:02 hours