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06 December 2024

Simone Lamsma plays Korngold
Radio Philharmonisch Orkest conducted by Stanislav Kochanovsky - TivoliVredenburg

Program Info:
Radio Philharmonic Orchestra
Stanislav Kochanovsky, conductor
Simone Lamsma, violin

Korngold's imaginative Violin Concerto is stirring and moving. Top violinists rediscover this forgotten classic. Artist in residence, violinist Simone Lamsma, revives the cinematic sound opulence of Korngold. The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra places this violin classic in perspective with work by Ravel, Strauss and Cherepnin.

Korngold's music is experiencing a true renaissance. As a musical prodigy, Korngold was a sensation in Vienna at the beginning of the twentieth century. With the arrival of the Nazis, Korngold sought refuge in the film city of Hollywood. Korngold's music brings together the best of both worlds: the golden Viennese classical tradition and the imaginative flair of American Hollywood. In his Violin Concerto from 1945 he bundles all his skills and mastery.

is Korngold's Violin Concerto perfect for Simone Lamsma. Twentieth-century violin concertos by Barber, Adams and Szymanowski are also lifted to great heights by the Dutch star violinist. Lamsma solos with the largest orchestras all over the world. “Brilliant,” wrote The New York Times about her debut with the New York Philharmonic in 2018.

Maurice Ravel - The waltz
Erich Wolfgang Korngold - Violin concerto, the concerto has themes from the scores for the movies ANOTHER DAWN (1937), ANTHONY ADVERSE (1936) & THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER (1937)
Nikolaj Tsjerepnin - The distant princess
Richard Strauss - Suite from Der Rosenkavalier

External links:
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Last edited: 10 July 2024 - 14:43 hours