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02 June 2025

Film concert: Charlie Chaplin – Gold Rush
Dortmunder Philharmoniker conducted by Adrian Prabava - Konzerthaus Dortmund

Program Info:
Charles Chaplin – Gold Rush

Almost exactly one hundred years to the day after the premiere in Los Angeles on June 26, 1925, the Dortmund Philharmonic Orchestra is presenting Charlie Chaplin's "Goldrausch," probably the most popular film by the great actor and director. The film actually reconciles incompatible things and balances in an inimitable way between tragedy and comedy, between laughter and horror. The action takes place shortly before the turn of the 20th century during the legendary gold rush on the Klondike River, which saw around 100,000 adventurers set off for the inhospitable area in the far northeast of the continent in search of gold and wealth, or even more trivially for work. One of them is the nameless Tramp, played by Charlie Chaplin in his most famous role. He experiences hair-raising adventures in the icy cold on the verge of starvation - the scene in which he eats his shoes is unforgettable - and finally, by chance, actually finds gold and his true love.

Many scenes in the film have become classic, especially Chaplin's slapstick interludes. In 1942, Chaplin revised his film again, cutting it by half an hour, among other things. For the film music, he commissioned the composer Max Terr, who worked closely with Chaplin and received an Oscar nomination for his music. In 2007, this version was carefully reconstructed by film music expert Jonathan Brock and made into a performable version.

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Last edited: 10 July 2024 - 13:18 hours