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28 March 2025
(Ohio, USA)

Marvel Studios's Black Panther - In Concert
The Cleveland Orchestra conducted by Anthony Parnther - Mandel Concert Hall at Severance Music Center

Program Info:
Ludwig Göransson - Black Panther
Massamba Diop, percussion

In 2018, Marvel Studios’ Black Panther quickly became a global sensation and cultural phenomenon, showing a new dimension of what superhero films could be. Rolling Stone raved, “The film lights up the screen with a full-throttle blast of action and fun. That’s to be expected. But what sneaks up and floors you is the film’s racial conscience and profound, astonishing beauty.” Now you can relive the excitement of T’Challa becoming king and battling Killmonger all while The Cleveland Orchestra performs Ludwig Göransson’s Oscar- and Grammy-winning score live to picture.

This is a PG-13-rated movie.
Presentation licensed by: Disney Concerts

External links:
Details & tickets

This concert-info was provided by Alex P from NYC. Thanks much for that! :)
Last edited: 10 July 2024 - 09:43 hours