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01 August 2024

From Bach to Einiaudi
Simple Music Ensemble World - Halle 424

This concert has been canceled.

Program Info:
The concert will feature music by famous composers from both past and present.

The Simple Music Ensemble World community has prepared an exceptional program that will appeal to fans of various musical styles, ranging from the Baroque period to postmodernism.

Outstanding melodies by great composers of different eras, from Johann Sebastian Bach and Vivaldi, to Hans Zimmer and Ludovico Einaudi, have been thoughtfully arranged to harmoniously and gradually evoke emotions, creating new waves of impressions among the audience.

The guests of the concert will have the opportunity to experience the evolution of music over time and observe how some composers created their masterpieces already “standing on the shoulders" of their predecessors, being raised up on their creativity. It will be a captivating journey through different musical eras and countries.

External links:
Details & tickets

This concert has been canceled.

Last edited: 16 July 2024 - 10:10 hours