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20 February 2025

Transatlantic sound waves
Duisburger Philharmoniker conducted by Alondra de la Parra - Philharmonie Mercatorhalle

Program Info:
Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra
Alondra de la Parra, conductor
Thomas Enhco, piano

New York-born Mexican conductor Alondra de la Parra has created a cultural beacon with the Paax GNP festival on the Caribbean coast of Yucatán. The aim is to celebrate the diversity of Mexican music and to anchor the country's rich music scene more firmly in the international consciousness. A concern that is also reflected in the program for the 7th Philharmonic Concert, which also draws cultural connections to the former colonial power Spain. The 1939 film “La noche de los Mayas” is about a Mayan tribe and its encounter with the “modern” world, for which Silvestre Revueltas composed rhythmic-dynamic music. And rhythm also plays a central role in Maurice Ravel's “Rapsodie espagnole”, whose movements have various Spanish dances in the title, including the famous Habanera, while Manuel de Falla uses folkloristic elements and Andalusian dances to create an impressionistic mood of “Nights in Spanish Gardens “ designs. The jazz pianist and composer Thomas Enhco, a festival companion of Alondra de la Parra and a Duisburg debutant, will also be there. Influences of jazz and Enhco's experience with film music can be heard in the “Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra”.

Maurice Ravel - Spanish rhapsody
Manuel de Falla - Nights in the gardens of Spain
Thomas Enhco - Rhapsody for piano and orchestra
Silvestre Revueltas - The night of the Maya's, music from the 1939 movie by Chano

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Last edited: 07 July 2024 - 17:09 hours