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04 June 2025

Computer game music
Göteborg Opera Orchestra & Göteborg Opera Chorus and a vocal soloist - Göteborg Opera

Program Info:
Performer Rickard Söderberg compères the orchestral concert Score, which lifts computer game music to a new level.

From the early days of simple electronic beeps and honks, today’s gaming music has evolved into a genre with as much importance as cinema soundtracks – with imposing orchestral pieces, smouldering strings and tranquil piano. Over the years, the industry has produced several well-known and award-winning composers. Score highlights the breadth and high-level of music associated with gaming. There will be music from classics such as Final Fantasy, Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 06 July 2024 - 16:08 hours