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12 September 2024

Animated film: The adventures of Prince Achmed (1926)
Steven Kamperman & group - Phil

Program Info:
Steven Kamperman - The adventures of Prince Achmed

Steven Kamperman, alto clarinet, melodica, percussion & compositions
Hamid Reza Behzadian, Indian guitar, lap steel & harmonica
Esat Ekincioğlu, contrabass

Composer and alto clarinetist Steven Kamperman wrote a new soundtrack for Lotte Reiniger's magical 1926 animated film Die Abenteure des Prinzen Achmeds.

This was the first full-length animated film from the early years of cinema. Not drawn, like at Disney, but cut in dazzling detail!

With the filmed stories from 1001 Nights as a guideline, the music is also inspired by the oriental tradition, with Kamperman drawing on his decades of experience with Turkish and Arabic makams. But anyone who knows his work knows that it always has many layers and twists.

Contemporary composed sounds and spicy improvisations also resonate through the melodic richness, creating a very unique colored universe. Kamperman also wrote a small overture before the film, which prepares the visitor in the best opera tradition for what is to come.

Hamid Reza Behzadian is Iranian by origin, but graduated cum laude in Indian classical music at the Rotterdam Conservatory with Chiranjib Chakraborty, Hariprasad Chaurasia and Ratan Bharati. Behzadian not only excels on various string instruments (and does not shy away from electronic effects), but also makes a big impression with Iranian blue notes on the harmonica.

The virtuoso Turkish bassist Esat Ekincioğlu tours the world with his AVA Trio and anyone who hears his striking grooves and improvisations immediately understands why.

Steven Kamperman's Adventures of Prince Achmed takes a musically adventurous journey through the East, where the music accompanies the film, but the film also accompanies the music.

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Last edited: 05 July 2024 - 15:58 hours