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04 July 2025

Relationship boxes: The big film music gala - Film music live concert
Deutsches Film Orchester Babelsberg conducted by Guest Waltzing - Nikolaisaal

Program Info:
A roller coaster ride of emotions with film music from “The Legend of Paul and Paula”, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith", "Out of Africa", "Gone with the Wind" and many more

Sometimes there are only a few minutes of film between cloud nine and hell on earth. Relationship troubles, Wars of the Roses, tragically failing love stories – great cinema thrives on them. And things only really get interesting for film composers when things start to heat up in terms of relationships. This film musical all-rounder with popular cinema classics takes you from Rummelsburg Bay to a farm in Africa to the cotton plantation of Tara. No matter whether it's a drama or a comedy: all the stops are pulled out here!

With music of John Barry, Max Steiner and many others

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Last edited: 03 July 2024 - 01:47 hours