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04 October 2024
College Park
(Maryland, USA)

Fourths on the Fourth: Symphonies for Wind
UMD Wind Orchestra conducted by Joseph Scott - The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center

Program Info:
The UMD Wind Orchestra kicks off its season with a program highlighting symphonies from the wind band repertoire!

The program opens with Viet Cuong’s Deciduous, a piece written after the passing of Cuong’s father that reflects the cyclical nature of loss and healing. Alan Hovhaness’s Symphony No. 4 is a fusion of inspirations ranging from seventh-century Armenian religious music to the orchestral music of China’s Tang Dynasty. In his fourth symphony, Arthur Meulemans sought to maintain the individual sounds of the sections of the orchestra, creating a rich and colorful mosaic. The program concludes with Leonard Bernstein’s symphonic suite from the Academy Award-winning 1954 film “On the Waterfront,” which juxtaposes moments of tenderness with elements of cold savagery as depicted in the movie.

Viet Cuong: Deciduous
Alan Hovhaness: Symphony No. 4 (1959)
Arthur Meulemans: Symphony No. 4
Leonard Bernstein: Symphonic Suite from “On the Waterfront”

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Last edited: 27 June 2024 - 17:08 hours