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09 February 2025

Family Concert: Peter and the Wolf & A Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra
National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Gavin Maloney - National Concert Hall, Main Stage

Program Info:
National Symphony Orchestra
Jessie Grimes presenter
Maeve Clancy shadow puppetry
Neasa Ní Chuanaigh shadow puppetry
Gavin Maloney conductor

Sergey Prokofiev - Peter and the Wolf featuring new and specially commissioned shadow puppetry
Benjamin Britten - The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, composed in 1946 to accompany an educational film produced by the British government and featured in the Oscar-nominated film Moonrise Kingdom

Get set for an immersive experience for all ages, blending storytelling, puppetry and orchestral brilliance into a magical fusion of sight and sound.

Be enchanted by Prokofiev’s beloved Peter and the Wolf, newly reimagined with specially commissioned shadow puppetry by Maeve Clancy, bringing the story to life in a whole new light.

Explore Britten's masterful The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra as Learning & Participation Artist-in-Residence Jessie Grimes unveils the beauty and diversity of orchestral sounds.

Designed for children aged 5 and up and their families, all are welcome.

3 performances

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 26 June 2024 - 19:23 hours