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13 October 2024
Gent (Ghent)

Film Fest Gent Videodroom: Les yeux sans visage (Eyes Without a Face)
Félicia Atkinson - Miry

Program Info:
From its release , Les yeux sans visage of Eyes Without a Face explored the boundaries of what was considered acceptable by audiences and critics. The film combines poetic black-and-white images and a fairytale story with blunt scenes full of brutality. The French electro-acoustic composer and visual artist Félicia Atkinson matches the atmosphere of this classic with her layered compositions.

About the movie
The film centres on a brilliant, obsessive surgeon who kidnaps women and removes their skin to transplant it onto his daughter's disfigured face. In the film, Franju deftly balances between fantasy and realism, clinical distance and intense emotion, beauty and pain. All of this is dominated by the haunting, haunted eyes of Edith Scob.

J. Hoberman of The Village Voice declared the film "a masterpiece of poetic horror and tactful, tactile brutality". The Encyclopedia of Horror Films agreed with this statement, stating that "Franju provides the film with a strange poetry in which Cocteau's influence is unmistakable".

In the 2010s, Time Out asked authors, directors, actors and critics working in the horror genre to vote for their best horror films. Time Out placed Eyes Without a Face at number 34 in the Top 100. Pedro Almodóvar drew extensive inspiration for his own film La piel que habito from 2011.

Before he directed Les yeux sans visage , Georges Franju was already infamous for his short film Blood of the Beasts (1949), in which he combines images of animals in slaughterhouses with images of children playing. This collage of everyday images is sometimes mysterious and sickening, but always true. Together with Henri Langlois, Franju founded the Cinémathèque française in 1937, the most enduring and influential institution in French film culture.

"Watching 'Les yeux sans visage' - as a teenager in the '90s - had quite an impact on me. Not only was it a fantastic '80s Billy Idol inspired song, it's also a really great black-and-white white horror film about freedom, women's emancipation and image.'' - Félicia Atkinson

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Last edited: 26 June 2024 - 17:51 hours