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01 March 2025
Thunder Bay

Lights, Camera, Music!
Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra conducted by Frédéric-Alexandre Michaud - St Patrick's High School (Selkirk) Auditorium

Program Info:
Step into the magical world of “Lights, Camera, Music”! Join us for an enchanting orchestral journey that brings your favorite movie soundtracks to life on stage. From the iconic themes of “Star Wars” to the heartwarming melodies of “Frozen,” experience the power of music in cinema like never before. Delight in a family-friendly showcase that combines the nostalgia of beloved films with the brilliance of live orchestral performance. Get ready to be transported through time and space as our talented musicians take you on an unforgettable cinematic adventure. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience for the whole family!

External links:
Details & tickets

This concert-info was provided by Alex P from NYC. Thanks much for that! :)
Last edited: 25 June 2024 - 04:01 hours