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07 March 2025
Thunder Bay

A Night at the Movies
Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jeff Christmas - Italian Cultural Centre

Program Info:
Step into the spotlight and join us for an epic cinematic experience at our tribute to Oscar season! Feel the thrill as iconic movie scores come to life, transporting you from Hogwarts to Middle-earth to Casablanca, and beyond. From the enchanting melodies of “Harry Potter” to the heroic themes of “Star Wars,” immerse yourself in the magic of film through the power of live orchestral performance. Whether you’re a fan of action, adventure, or romance, this concert has something for everyone. Don’t miss your chance to relive your favorite movie moments with a symphonic twist that will leave you spellbound!

External links:
Details & tickets

This concert-info was provided by Alex P from NYC. Thanks much for that! :)
Last edited: 25 June 2024 - 04:02 hours