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17 August 2024

17th Music Festival Of Southern Great Poland - Best Kino!
Khaleesi Brass Brass Quintet - Patio Calisia One

Program Info:
Khaleesi Brass Brass Quintet:
Krzysztof Kwiatkowski – trumpet
Wojciech Musiał – trumpet
Olof Knockenhauer – puzon
Katarzyna Kwiatkowska – French horn
Przemysław Chmielewski – euphonium
Bartosz Bindel – percussion instruments
Romuald Boguszewicz – drums

At the end of the 17th edition of the Southern Greater Poland Music Festival, we will go to the cinema together. But what a cinema it will be! A cinema for viewers sensitive to the charm of the musical track leading through the most beautiful memories with the clatter of the cinematograph in the background or from before the TV tube, straight to a nostalgic evening in the outdoor Calisia One, where the "magnificent seven" will perform: musicians of the Kalisz Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, who are part of the wind instrument quintet brass Khaleesi Brass, supported by two great drummers of the FC Orchestra. The band will present songs and musical themes from popular series and films known and loved by the audience. The concert will be led by the master of musical (but not only) anecdote - Witold Pelka.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 24 June 2024 - 06:38 hours