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22 September 2024

Cinema Classics mit der Nerly BigBand
Nerly BigBand conducted by Clemens Fieguth - Theater Erfurt

Program Info:
What would all the famous films be without music? When you hear a piece of melody, the images within us come to life - James Bond, The Magnificent Seven, Rocky... Immerse yourself in the emotional world of the soundtracks for an evening. Experience a co-production of the Erfurt Theater with the NERLY BIGBAND - musically experienced ensemble members of the theatre meet one of the most prominent ensembles of instrumental jazz in Thuringia. Ks. Katja Bildt and Ks. Máté Sólyom-Nagy can pursue their love of film music and captivate the audience with the rich big band sound. The jazz-loving conductor and first bandmaster of the Erfurt Theater Clemens Fieguth will take over the musical direction of the concert.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 23 June 2024 - 10:29 hours