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16 March 2025

Off to Hollywood! A journey into the sound world of film
Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie conducted by Maximilian Otto - Theater Chemnitz, Opernhaus - Saal

Program Info:
For the third family concert of the season, the extraterrestrial music lover ROB goes on a very special mission together with the Robert Schumann Philharmonic: He immerses himself in the world of film music! He is supported by the young conductor Maximilian Otto, who shows him how important feelings are in film and how well music helps to describe these feelings without the need for words. Because where no words are necessary, feelings can touch the soul directly and are therefore understandable for all humans - and extraterrestrials. Come along and listen and be amazed with ROB as secrets about the great and unforgettable film compositions are revealed.

External links:
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Last edited: 23 June 2024 - 10:18 hours