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04 January 2025

Cinema and Symphonic Music
Orchestre Philharmonique de Marseille conducted by Federico Tibone - Opéra de Marseille

Program Info:
Classical music within reach of children…
An opportunity for you, families, to share your children's musical emotions with the Marseille Philharmonic Orchestra. After two concerts given last season in a full house, the Opera repeats these moments of discovery and sharing! Presentation of the works during the concert with the conductor.

A symphonic journey to the heart of film music

Jacques Offenbach – Infernal gallop of Orpheus in the Underworld
Ennio Morricone – Le Hautbois de Gabriel , Excerpt from The Mission
Edvard Grieg – In the Lair of the Mountain King , from Peer Gynt
Claude Debussy – Clair de Lune (orchestration André Caplet)
Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky – Swan Lake – Scene
Johann Strauss – The Beautiful Blue Danube
John Williams- Excerpt from Star Wars
John Williams- Excerpt from Harry Potter
Hans Zimmer – Excerpt from Pirates of the Caribbean

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 22 June 2024 - 09:14 hours