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28 September 2025

Avatar live in concert
Sinfonia Pop Orchestra & Singers conducted by Benjamin Pope - Zenith Nantes Metropole

Program Info:
James Horner - Avatar

For the first time in a concert film in France, “Avatar Live in Concert” brings James Cameron's cinematic masterpiece to life a decade later. On stage, 150 musicians & singers enhance James Horner's famous soundtrack, bringing the imaginary universe of Pandora to life. Synthetic sounds mixed with violins and indigenous choirs transport the viewer on a powerful musical journey rich in emotions .

From Jake Sully's melodic run when he takes his first steps in his avatar body, to the dramatic music during the destruction of the tree, to the epic music during the final battle, the immersion is total .

Between breathtaking images and live orchestral performance, “Avatar Live in Concert” is the event not to be missed in 2025!

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 19 June 2024 - 15:35 hours