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28 December 2024

Modern Times Live
Babylon Orchester Berlin - Babylon

Program Info:
Charles Chaplin - Modern Times

You will laugh, you will cry and you will never forget the film.

Modern Times, USA 1936, R: Charlie Chaplin mit Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Al Ernest Garcia, 89 Min, OmU

Charlie Chaplin is looking for his little bit of happiness again.
This time it's not about gold in Alaska, he's trying to find a “normal” life with his hands.

But the machines, the circumstances, many of our fellow human beings have no connection to what Chaplin wants to tell us.

He can't even speak, he's mute! He dances, he gestures and in the end he runs away.

It's an escape. But luckily he finds the woman of his dreams first.
And so they go into the distance, together, into the land of dreams on Highway 61. Revisited.

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Last edited: 18 June 2024 - 08:51 hours