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06 April 2025
(Maine, USA)

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Hear Them
Portland Youth Symphony Orchestra conducted by Eckart Preu - Merrill Auditorium

Program Info:
Mythical creatures have existed for as long as stories have been told. From fearsome dragons and ethereal elves to cheerful hobbits and fiery beings, these otherworldly beings capture the imagination and inspire tales of heroism.

Storytellers were not the only ones influenced by these fantastic beings; composers also found inspiration from legends. The PSO is joined by the Portland Youth Symphony Orchestra for a side-by-side performance of music inspired by fantastic creatures, real and imagined, including selections from the Firebird Suite (Igor Stravinsky), How to Train Your Dragon (John Powell), Lord of the Rings (Howard Shore), and Reindeer Variations.

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 18 June 2024 - 08:17 hours