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26 July 2024
(Ohio, USA)

Summers at Severance: Dvořák’s Sixth Symphony
Cleveland Orchestra conducted by Petr Popelka - Severance Music Center, Mandel Concert Hall

Program Info:
The Cleveland Orchestra
Petr Popelka, conductor
James Ehnes, violin

“A work capable of great things” is how Dvořák described his Sixth Symphony in 1880. The prediction proved correct, launching the composer to international stardom. Czech conductor Petr Popelka contrasts this folk-inflected symphony with Franck’s Le Chasseur maudit, an orchestral thrill ride that depicts a count’s fateful hunt on the Sabbath. Acclaimed violinist James Ehnes caps the program with Korngold’s Violin Concerto, which brings the sounds of Hollywood film scores into the concert hall.

César Franck - Le Chasseur maudit
Erich Wolfgang Korngold - Violin Concerto
Antonín Dvořák - Symphony No. 6

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 14 June 2024 - 08:29 hours