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07 June 2025

Fantasia in concert
Orchestre National Montpellier Occitanie conducted by Gwennolé Rufet - Opéra Berlioz | Le Corum

Program Info:
A touchstone in the history of animated cinema, Fantasia remains a fascinating visual and sound experience. From 1929, the famous mouse performed the greatest scores of classical music such as Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody , and even tried his hand at conducting and playing the violin. based on the famous symphonic poem by Paul Dukas emerged in Disney's mind Shortly after, the idea of ​​a Sorcerer's Apprentice , which would reconcile young audiences with classical music. By bringing on board Deems Taylor, presenter of the New York Philharmonic concerts, the adventure would take on a new dimension and other composers like Holst, Mozart, Paganini, Rachmaninov, Ravel, Rimsky-Korsakov, Sibelius, Strauss, Wagner , Weber… are planned to accompany the adventures of the animated mouse. Ultimately, there were seven musical extracts that stood out when the film was released in 1940, then eight during the second feature film in 2000, sixty years after the first Fantasia .

Fantasia in concert
Film des Studios Walt Disney

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Last edited: 10 June 2024 - 08:45 hours