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02 February 2025
Lisboa (Lisbon)

A Journey to Space
Gulbenkian Orchestra conducted by Diogo Costa - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Grand Auditorium

Program Info:
Richard Strauss - Sunrise from Also sprach Zarathustra
Josef Strauss - Music of the Spheres, op. 235
Gustav Holst - Jupiter from The Planets
Antonín Dvořák - Song to the Moon from Rusalka
Igor Stravinsky - The Firebird (selection)
John Williams - Star Wars: Imperial March
John Williams - Superman March

These Sunday Concerts centre on various musical allusions to the stars and space as the ultimate setting for the human imagination. So, alongside pieces by John Williams, composed for the movies Star Wars and Superman, the Gulbenkian Orchestra will also play the overture to Also sprach Zarathustra, by R. Strauss, the sound icon of S. Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The programme also includes J. Strauss’s Music of the Spheres, as well as allusions to Holst’s Jupiter and Dvořák’s Song to the Moon.

NOTE: 2 performances!

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Last edited: 09 June 2024 - 13:44 hours