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30 May 2025

Moby Dick; or The Whale - präsentiert von Moved by the Motion
Orchester Musikkollegium Winterthur conducted by Kevin Griffths - Stadthaus

Program Info:
MOBY DICK; or The Whale - präsentiert von Moved by the Motion

“Moby Dick”: That’s the name of Herman Melville’s book from 1851, that’s the name of the white whale whose hunt is described in the book. Both are heavyweights, both difficult to grasp. Even Wu Tsang, the resident author at the Zurich Schauspielhaus in recent years, did not understand the monstrous book for a long time. But then it happened, in the chapter where the whaling crew processes the fatty tissue from whale heads. “It was so juicy!” says Wu Tsang. And got to work. Where Melville's novel juggles text types and language styles, Wu Tsang combines silent film, dance and computer game graphics. And while Melville's ship's crew is already extremely "diverse" in today's parlance, Wu Tsang thinks "queer" further. This adaptation is by no means “convoluted”, but rather “intoxicatingly sensually expanded”, wrote the Tages-Anzeiger at the premiere in 2022, and ultimately shows the “true madness”, namely “dealing with fellow human beings and the environment”. The result is a unique experience: ninety minutes of silent film with actors from the Schauspielhaus ensemble and the “Moved by the motion” collective, plus live music by Caroline Shaw, “Artistic Partner” of the Music College 2022 to 2025. Even if it is bloody , slippery and dangerous: Dive in!

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Last edited: 09 June 2024 - 10:31 hours