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05 October 2024

Symphonic 02
Orquesta Nacionales de Espana conducted by Pablo Gonzalez - Sala sinfónica

Program Info:
Orquesta Nacionales de Espana
Pablo Gonzalez, conductor
Emmanuel Pahud, flute
Olesya Petrova, mezzo soprano
Alexander Vinogradov, baritone
Jose Coronado, storyteller

The bloodthirsty legacy of Tsar Ivan the Terrible held a deep fascination for Stalin: torturer and executioner of his opponents and punisher of his centuries-old Tatar and Lithuanian enemies, the paranoid Tsar offered the Soviet leader an unparalleled opportunity to capture his own criminal instincts on celluloid. , clothed in the patriotic dignity that – after the Nazi defeat in Stalingrad – the times demanded. To satisfy this endeavour, the best Soviet artists were mobilised, including Sergei Prokofiev, who provided an epic score, inherited from Boris Godunov , but with some modernist touches.

This program is preluded by two small gems of the concertante repertoire for flute: the poetic and post-Debussyan I Hear the Water Dreaming (1987) by the Japanese Tōru Takemitsu and the concertino by Cécile Chaminade (1902), a charming work composed as a morceau de concours for the Conservatory of Paris, whose presence in the flute repertoire has not declined one bit since its premiere until today.

Tōru Takemitsu - I Hear the Water Dreaming, for flute and orchestra
Cécile Chaminade - Concertino para flauta en Re mayor, op. 107
Sergei Prokofiev - Iván el Terrible, op. 116, the score for the 1944 Eisenstein movie Ivan Groznyy

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Last edited: 07 June 2024 - 10:09 hours