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01 February 2025
(Ohio, USA)

Beethoven’s Eroica
Columbus Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rossen Milanov - Ohio Theatre

Program Info:
Columbus Symphony Orchestra
Rossen Milanov, Conductor
Sterling Elliot, cello

In a Columbus Symphony co-commission, cellist Sterling Elliott performs famed composer John Corigliano’s Phantasmagoria for solo cello and orchestra. Rossen leads the orchestra in Beethoven’s sweeping third symphony, the ‘Eroica,’ or “Heroic” Symphony, written in a time of great personal despair for Beethoven as he faced the loss of his hearing while still resolving to push the boundaries of the symphonic genre.

Corigliano: Phantasmagoria for Cello and Orchestra, based on the 1992 TV Movie The Ghosts of Versailles
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 (“Eroica”)

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 06 June 2024 - 10:00 hours