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13 December 2024

Music for the imagination
Orchestre National de Lyon conducted by Finnegan Downie Dear - Auditorium National de Lyon, Grande salle

Program Info:
At the heart of the educational concerns of the CNSMD of Lyon, professional integration is concretised in particular by the numerous links forged with the Auditorium-National Orchestra of Lyon. A way to promote the excellent training provided by this establishment whose reputation is envied throughout the world.

How do we listen to music? Does it evoke images in us, does it tell us a story? Or is it nothing more than itself, a language in its own right, a singular universe? By offering this program made up of suggestive works, the CNSMDL Orchestra offers an answer to this fascinating question. He leaves ample room for Bruno Coulais (the composer of the film Les Choristes ), with a violin concerto with an evocative title, Au fond des bois, and extracts from the soundtrack of Microcosmos : the people of the grass , a film by 1996 which delves into the intimate lives of insects. This cinematic universe is opposed by the very abstract Five Pieces for Orchestra by Schönberg (1912), emblematic of emerging modernity. Their tense world continues in A Survivor from Warsaw , a heartbreaking evocation of the Holocaust.

Bruno Coulais - Microcosmos: the people of grass (extracts), music from the original motion picture soundtrack
Arnold Schönberg - Five Pieces for orchestra op. 16
Bruno Coulais - Deep in the Woods (Violin Concerto), music from the motion picture soundtrack
Arnold Schönberg - Unsurvivant de Varsovie, op. 46
Gustav Mahler - Adagietto from Symphony No. 5, in C sharp minor

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Last edited: 06 June 2024 - 09:24 hours