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08 October 2024

Barber, Adagio Musiciens de l'ONL
Musiciens de Auditorium Orchestre National de Lyon - Salle Molière

Program Info:
Musician and musicians from the ONL:
Ludovic Lantner, violin
Eliad Florea, violin
Marc-Antoine Bier, high
Themes of Bandini, cello

Do you like Barber's Adagio – which the Orchester national de Lyon plays on February 8 under the direction of Clelia Cafiero? Here it is in its original instrumentation, with two quartets from Amy Beach and Philip Glass.

We too often forget that Barber's Adagio , before making moviegoers cry, was created within a string quartet, framed by two other equally successful movements. Symmetrical in structure, this score reveals a musician of great sensitivity, suddenly moving from introspection to worry or heightened joy. With Philip Glass's Third Quartet , it is cinema which is at the origin of music. Invited to compose a soundtrack for Mishima – a life in four chapters , Paul Schrader's biopic on the author of The Golden Pavilion , Glass delivers a score with a captivating repetitiveness, returning to the key moments in the life of the writer until his spectacular death. “The entire public would have ardently wanted to hear it again ,” wrote a Washington Post critic the day after the premiere of Amy Beach's One-Movement Quartet in 1942, fifteen years after its composition.

Amy Beach - Quartet in one movement
Samuel Barber - Quatuor op. 11
Philip Glass - Quartet No. 3, "Mishima" based the soundtrack to the 1985 film by director Paul Schrader

External links:
Details & tickets

Last edited: 06 June 2024 - 09:06 hours